
 09/16   HDMI 2.1 最新認証テストに関するWebinar 開催のご案内

 09/12   SGS-ALLION Automotive Communications—Shenzhen Automotive Electronics Industry Association Annual Meeting @Shenzhen

 09/10-11  5th China International Intelligent Connected Vehicle Forum 2020 @Shanghai

 08/27   SGS-ALLION Automotive Industry Challenges and Trends: 5G, C-V2X, USB Type-C, Car Automotive and Certification @Shanghai

 08/27   USB4 and E-marker Forum @Dongguan

 08/26   Webinar: TWS Earbuds Sound Quality and Bluetooth Connectivity -Mandarin

 08/24   Thunderbolt™ 4 Technical Introduction and Compliance Test Overview Webinar -Mandarin

 07/22   The Future Standards of Visual Technology: HDMI 2.1 & HDR Technical Webinar  -Mandarin

 07/01   The Challenges in Automotive Ecosystem: From C-V2X, In-Car Bluetooth Connectivity to Digital Car Interfaces -Mandarin

 06/18  アリオン最新オートモーティブオンラインセミナー – 日本語

 06/17   USB4™ & TBT4™ Technical Webinar (2)  -Mandarin

 06/10   USB4™ & TBT4™ Technical Webinar (1)  -Mandarin

 06/03   「SGS-Allion」 Connected Vehicles Webinar Series (3): Solutions for In-Car Voice Assistant & IoT Automotive Apps  -Mandarin

 05/20   「SGS-Allion」 Connected Vehicles Webinar Series (2): Solutions for In-Car Bluetooth Connectivity & Digital Car Interfaces -Mandarin

 05/13   「SGS-Allion」 Connected Vehicles Webinar Series (1): C-V2X Testing & Validation -Mandarin

 04/24     スマートホーム製品検証オンラインセミナー -日本語

 4/23     Wi-Fi Technical Webinar  -Mandarin

 4/12    「Smart Voice Assistant」Technical Webinar: From Alexa Built-in Device to Alexa for PC -Mandarin

 03/02   Thunderbolt™ 3 Developer Conference (Plugfest)  @TPE

 01/15-17   第12回 オートモーティブワールド @日本

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